March 1, 2024


womens history month group

Scholarships and Awards

Six Female Students Receive Scholarships to Pursue their Academic Dreams; Two Students Receive Inaugural Humanitarian Award

PBA Celebrates Women’s History Month

This Women’s History Month, 拼搏体育自豪地庆祝2024年杰出女性获奖者丹尼斯·汉利和希拉·林克坚定不移地为拼搏体育服务. 两位女士都是PBA的终身朋友,也是杰出女性委员会的重要成员.

Chaired by Frances Fisher, 在波克斯拼搏体育举行的第32届午宴保持了其崇高的筹款使命,即为学术上杰出的女学生提供奖学金,这证明了该大学致力于赋予下一代女性领导者权力. As we reflect on the strides made by women throughout history, this event stood as a beacon of inspiration, honoring the past while nurturing the future. The inauguration of the Women of Distinction Humanitarian Award, presented to Claire and AnnaMae Predtechenskis, was a heartwarming highlight, 展示了深刻的人道主义精神,这种精神继续影响着我们的世界.

超过350名女性聚集在威尼斯宴会厅参加这场座无虚席的活动. 自1996年以来,PBA共有68名女学生获得了杰出女性奖学金. 今年,六位获奖者代表了四个州和六个专业.

The awardees are Abigail Diaz, a freshman from Lake Worth, Florida studying communication; Lydia Ducanis, a junior from Davie, Florida studying finance; Margaret Myskowski, a junior from Sullivan, Missouri studying nursing; Darah Oniwa, a freshman from Tulsa, Oklahoma studying chemistry; Emie Santos, a junior from Bergenfield, New Jersey studying pre-law and Niang Thang, a senior from Lake Worth, Florida studying psychology.

This year’s luncheon also included a presentation of the inaugural Women of Distinction Humanitarian Award to Claire and AnnaMae Predtechenskis. The two PBA students became temporary caregivers last year to a nonverbal, 22岁的以色列女孩,她的家庭受到中东危机的影响.


Denise Hanley: Anchored to Serve by her Faith in God

丹尼斯·汉利(Denise Hanley)是房地产行业的成功人士,1958年首次搬到拼搏体育. 她将获得指导与咨询硕士学位,并与高中时的恋人结婚, Dan Hanley, 结婚53年后,每当他走进房间,她仍然兴奋地看到他. Her children and grandchildren are also a constant source of joy.

She is also very passionate about several causes, which led to her helping organizations like the Salvation Army, The Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adults, The Hanley Foundation, and The Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League.

 她慷慨的性格来自于她的家庭,并灌输给她和她的三个兄弟姐妹, who have sadly passed away due to Alzheimer’s disease, something Haney hopes with all her heart is cured very soon.

“Faith in God, love of Family, 对国家的忠诚是安德森-汉利家族代代相传的传统,” Mrs. 汉利对聚集在一起庆祝她和希拉·林克的观众说.

她感谢家人和朋友的鼓励和支持, saying she owes this honor to them.

汉利自称是PBA的啦啦队长,从商学院到合唱团表演再到食堂,他对一切都赞不绝口. 她鼓励出席午宴的嘉宾安排参观行程,了解更多美丽的校园. 汉利对学校竭尽全力为学生的学术和精神之旅提供最好的帮助表示感谢.


Hanley, as a firm believer in Christ, is grateful for the institution of PBA, which clings to its values in an uncertain world, 并提醒听众圣经中的两条诫命, 就是爱神,爱我们心里的一切,又爱邻舍,如同爱自己一样.

Sheila Rinker: A Call to Touch the Future 

希拉·林克也非常公开地支持PBA的基督社区. Facilities like the Vera Lea Rinker Hall, the Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Athletic Campus, 约翰和希拉·林克体育馆是马歇尔和维拉·李·林克基金会的慷慨捐助. 她与学校合作的最新项目是与她结婚42年的丈夫约翰. Rinker, 基金会将是新的马歇尔和维拉·丽·林克商业大厅, 怎样才能给学生提供成长所需的环境和资源.

Rinker has supported many charities over the years, including the Palm Beach Habilitation Center, Urban Youth Impact, H.O.W. (听到卵巢癌的低语),机会公司和基督教女青年会. 她也是佛罗里达州一个小镇警察部队的捐助者, 支持警务人员履行职责,保障警务人员安全.

当她的孩子们更独立时,她开始打高尔夫球,并在这项运动中表现出色. However, 她发现自己的生活缺乏目标,于是加入了拼搏体育康复中心, 帮助有精神和身体残疾的成年人实现就业.

“我真的很感激我是这个组织的一员,因为它给了我平静, and it gave me joy,” Rinker said.

Rinker一直对PBA学生的音乐天赋印象深刻,并希望帮助该项目更好地吸引更多的学生. In 2002, 她和她的丈夫完成了这一目标,为艺术学院建造了维拉·林克大厅.

“我们决定我们是否能做些什么……如果我们有能力改善它, we would,” Rinker said.


了解更多关于如何支持杰出女性奖学金和其他PBA奖学金的信息 here.

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