

Writing is a skill that transcends academic and professional disciplines.



写作中心 is a resource for the entire campus community. Whether you’re a freshman in your first composition class, 经验丰富的作家, 或者写一篇准备发表的文章, everyone can benefit from collaboration during the writing process. 除了在PBA的主校区, you can also take part in synchronous online appointments.

当你能够有效地写作并以一种引人注目的方式通过书面文字进行交流时, you’ll set yourself apart no matter what profession you’re planning to enter. Empowering you with this important skill is what PBA’s 写作中心 is all about.

写作中心的工作人员由学生教练组成,他们热情地提供支持和指导. 我们的教练喜欢帮助作者获得必要的技能,以便在大学和其他地方清晰而成功地表达自己. 他们致力于帮助强化你的想法, 无论你在写作过程的哪个阶段,都要理顺你的思路,为未来的作业建立技能.

  • 头脑风暴的想法
  • 创建大纲
  • 写初稿
  • 修改
  • 校对


No. You can always come to 写作中心 anytime it’s open. 我们接受预约.
然而,如果你有一个特定的时间框架,你需要见面,这是一个好主意,预约. 当你走进来, you might have to wait to see a coach; when you have an appointment, 那段时间属于你.

虽然我们也接受面谈,但我们建议预约以保证有时间. Before you can make an in-person or online appointment, 请在我们的日程系统中登记, WCONLINE. 您必须使用您的PBA电子邮件进行注册.

创建密码 & Login
As you complete the registration, you’ll be asked to create a password. This password is not related to your PBA password; it can be any combination of 5 letters and/or numbers. 除非您更改密码,否则此密码不会更改.

在你登录后,为你的约会选择一个可用的日期、时间和写作教练. 所有的白色盒子都可以预约. You can schedule up to two 30-minute appointments per day, and those can be back-to-back to create an hour-long appointment.

在您单击可用的约会之后, 将出现一个弹出屏幕, asking you to let the writing coach know a little about what you want to work on. 点击“创建约会”.

If you cannot attend your appointment, please cancel it. The system will permit you to cancel up to 30 minutes before your appointment. To cancel, log in to the schedule and click on your appointment. Click the CANCEL button at the bottom of the pop-up and your appointment is canceled.

To make an ONLINE APPOINTMENT be sure to select “Yes. Schedule Online appointment” when creating your session.

大约在预约时间前10分钟, you should log into the schedule where you made your appointment.

你应该准备好:你要处理的文件以电子文件的形式存在,便于查阅;一台能上网的电脑,并配有麦克风和扬声器. 一旦你进入WCONLINE的在线会话, 你的教练可能会发给你一个单独的Zoom链接, 因为Zoom支持屏幕共享.

If you have any difficulty connecting to your session, contact us at awe@bomabearing.com.


你应该带着作业的提示和/或标题,这样你的写作教练在看你的作品时就可以参考了. 你可以把你的论文纸质版带来, 在闪存盘上, 或者你可以使用写作中心计算机从你的电子邮件或投递框中拉出作业. 带上任何其他必要的材料来理解你的作业,完成你的课程目标.

Your coach will begin by asking you about the class and the assignment. 然后你的教练会和你谈谈你的目标,你会决定你想要专注于什么. 在剩下的时间里, 你和你的教练将共同努力,既改善你正在做的项目,又提高你的写作技巧.

我们可以在这方面帮助你. We are not an editing service where you simply drop off your paper for someone else to correct; however, 我们与客户通力合作. 我们可以帮你润色和完成你的论文.

绝对! We can assist with APA, MLA, and Turabian formatting. 我们鼓励客户利用写作中心提供的资源,如提示表和风格指南来找到格式问题的答案.

Yes! 我们可以告诉你如何把你的研究正确地整合到你的论文中,避免在这个过程中抄袭.

阅读教练简介. Find someone who shares a related major or hobby if possible. If you do not feel you connect well with the coach you chose, you can always select a different coach for your next session.

你可以找到相关信息 HERE.

When you are required to attend a 写作中心 session for a specific assignment, 马上让你的教练知道. 我们可以帮你填一份报告表,你可以把它寄给你的教授. 请注意,我们不能在没有完成会议的情况下简单地为您签署表格.

我们可以帮你进行头脑风暴! 把你的作业提示带到写作中心. 我们可以合作找出你感兴趣的东西,以及你可以在作业中写些什么.



妮可·施特劳斯-艾伦负责日程安排, 人员配备, 外展, 以及写作中心的发展. She has been a part of the PBA family since her freshman year in 2010. 她获得了音乐教育学士学位,并在罗汉普顿留学一学期后意识到自己对大学教学的热情, 英格兰. 她获得了英国文学硕士学位, with a concentration in science fiction and fantasy, 2017年从佛罗里达大西洋大学毕业,几周后开始在PBA担任兼职讲师(英语和人文学科).

Throughout her graduate school and teaching career, 她曾在大学写作中心工作,亲眼目睹了写作指导如何对学生在学术生涯和其他方面的成功产生积极影响. 她有超过六年的写作中心教练和行政助理的工作经验,是CRLA三级认证.

她目前在Common Ground教会担任执事,并积极参与讲道和门徒训练团队. She, her husband, and her son (and their goldendoodle, Zelda!我住在博尔顿海滩. She looks forward to meeting up with you at 写作中心!


Grace C. is a junior honors student majoring in English and minoring in Creative Writing. 五年前, she traded the snow for the ocean when she moved with her family from Minneapolis, MN, 到朱诺海滩, FL. As vice president of PBA’s Sigma Tau Delta English Honors society chapter; assistant editor of PBA’s creative writing journal, Living Waters Review; and a PBA writing coach for five semesters, 她在学术和创意写作方面积累了丰富的合作经验. Her favorite parts of the writing process are outlining and revising. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢去海滩,节俭,写诗,骑自行车. 她很期待和你一起工作!


约瑟夫是学英语的大三学生. 他最喜欢的爱好之一就是把最喜欢的电影看二十遍(而不是一直告诉自己要看的十多部新电影)。! 最令人讨厌的电影有:《拼搏体育官网》, 星球大战, 纠结的, 蜘蛛侠(汤姆·霍兰德)!


泰勒是WC的助理协调员. 同时,她是M.Div. program and loves helping students in that field with integrated papers. 她于2020年毕业于PBA,获得了英语学士学位,辅修了创意写作——所以你总能发现她在读书或写作! Brainstorming and storytelling are her favorite elements of the writing process.


Chase is double majoring in Studio Art and Dance BA. She currently claims Milwaukee, WI, as home, but she has lived a number of places. 写小说是蔡斯的爱好, but she finds pleasure in general brainstorming and problem solving. She also enjoys horse riding, gardening, theatre, and commas.


艾米丽主修英语,辅修西班牙语. 她一直热爱写作,并希望将这种激情传授给她在WC帮助的人. 艾米丽来自格雷小镇, ME, 但她希望找到一份可以通过写作和旅行来分享自己和他人经历的职业.


布兰登是PBA的双学位学生. He is studying Philosophy while also procuring a degree in Nursing. 他热衷于抽象地思考宗教、现实,甚至思考本身. He also enjoys studying foreign languages and caring for others in need. Some of his favorite pastimes include reading, drawing, and 听音乐.


优雅的米. is an English major with a minor in Creative Writing. She is passionate about reading and writing and loves all things sports related, and she can’t wait to help others grow in their own writing! Grace is from Wisconsin and her dream is to one day publish a novel of her own.




Terra is majoring in International Business and minoring in Creative Writing. 她住过美国各地,搬过11次家,她的家人目前住在弗吉尼亚州的诺福克. Her favorite parts of the writing process are brainstorming and outlining. 在业余时间,她喜欢学习外语、阅读、写作和听音乐.


Gabriela is majoring in Biology with an English minor. 她出生在科罗拉多州. Her father then joined the USCG, and she traveled to different states. Gaby enjoys being active, trying something new, and spending time with her family. Her primary goal as a writing coach is to prioritize, meet, and achieve her client’s expectations and elevate their work.


萨拉主修英语,辅修中学教育和创意写作. She is originally from Titusville, FL, which is where many rockets launch. 作为PBA英语荣誉协会的主席, 晚餐荣誉计划的成员, and assistant editor of PBA’s creative writing journal Living Waters, 萨拉有丰富的写作经验. Although she loves all aspects of the writing process, 莎拉特别喜欢修改论文,以确保它们经过润色并准备好提交. 当她不写作或编辑的时候, 萨拉喜欢打沙滩排球, 听音乐, 看《拼搏体育官网》. 她会满足你的写作需求!


Trevor majors in graphic design and minors in communication. They love spurring their fellow students to new and inventive forms of writing. 虽然他们的主要语言是英语, 他们还会说西班牙语和德语,并开始学习葡萄牙语和日语. 在业余时间, 特雷弗喜欢用每一种可用的媒介进行艺术创作, 包括但不限于数字艺术, 摄影编辑, 标志设计, 音频编辑, 还有更多.




Jenna is an English major, History minor, and member of the Honors Program. 她喜欢在空闲时间读书和散步, and helping others improve their writing motivates her work at WC. 珍娜来自西拼搏体育, FL, 她希望最终能在编辑或出版领域工作,这样她就可以通过阅读获得报酬.


星期一至星期四:上午9点.m. – 9 p.m.
星期五:上午9点.m. – 4 p.m.



找一份不错的校内工作? 写作中心的工作人员由学生教练组成,他们热情地提供支持和指导. 我们的教练喜欢帮助作者获得必要的技能,以便在大学和其他地方清晰而成功地表达自己. If you think you would be a good fit, please contact awe@bomabearing.com 了解更多信息.